Mitochondrial dysfunction

Mitochondria 101 Mitochondria and the brain How mitochondria can become dysfunctional How dysfunctional mitochondria affect mental health Reduced neural plasticity when ATP production is compromised by dysfunctional or reduced numbers of mitochondria, there is decreased synaptic plasticity mitochondria enable neurogenesis (increased brain plasticity and regrowth) by supporting the process of maturation from stem cell to neuron, and by accumulating at the site of axon growth to provide vital ATP NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) is required to allow for this mitochondrial...

Imbalances in fats and essential fatty acids

...cortisol and adrenaline are made from cholesterol Cholesterol seems to help augment the function of oxytocin and the oxytocin receptor sites Cholesterol maintains cell walls and helps cell membranes maintain their fluidity and permeability, thus allowing them to be flexible and communicative with each other, and so is important to all cells in the human body, including the brain Without cholesterol, the signalling between your brain cells becomes slower and weaker, because cholesterol insulates the brain cells so that electrical...


...and we absorb them by breathing, eating, drinking, using personal care products and pharmaceuticals etc. Endogenous toxins are created in our bodies, usually by compromised digestion, inefficient metabolism, or poor detoxification Some common toxins, their sources, and their effects Exogenous toxins are found in many of the things we encounter every day, from cleaning products to tap-water. Endogenous toxins, meanwhile, are produced by the body itself. Below are some common sources of toxins. Alcohol Alcohol abuse can damage our brains...


...The word “inflammation” comes from the Latin word “inflammare” which means “to kindle or set on fire”.The inflammatory response consists of redness, heat, and swelling, either internal or external, and is the normal response of living tissue to injury or infection. Inflammation is a complicated process involving more than just the activation of the immune response. It has a diverse effect on many organs of the body, including the brain. Inflammation and mental health The association between the immune system...

Imbalances in vitamins

...mood and motivation B6 is necessary for the production of GABA, and also helps to modulate elevated cortisol, thereby making it effective in decreasing anxiety, especially when combined with magnesium B6 helps with focus and mental energy B6, combined with vitamin C and magnesium, has been shown to significantly reduce the symptoms of children with autism B6 and zinc have been shown to be low in people with autism, ADHD and depression B6 supports the conversion of omega 3 and...

Improve mitochondrial function

...mitochondrial integrity. Damaged mitochondria and lead to damage gut and blood brain barriers, and damaged gut can compromise the mitochondria. many lactobacillus and bifidobacterium species support the gut-brain axis by curbing inflammation and cortisol levels, which can result in a reduction of symptoms of depression and anxiety. Read more about how to heal your gut. Detoxify Read more about how to detoxify for better mental health. Encourage appropriate mitophagy and biogenesis through hormesis Ways to promote mitohormesis: Love and bonding...

Imbalances in minerals

...Sleep issues Hormonal imbalances such as low testosterone Low libido ,,, , Causes of zinc deficiency Pesticides: foods sprayed with the pesticide glyphosate (Roundup) have 50% lower levels of zinc Excessive copper Most people have too much copper in their diets Zinc and copper compete for the same protein binding site, so if you’re ingesting too much copper, or taking a multivitamin with copper at the same time as a zinc supplement, they’ll compete for absorption Copper isn’t the only...


...anxiety, depression, stress and related illness through calming the nervous system, balancing neurochemicals and influencing brain function. , The term yoga encompasses many different styles of physical and spiritual practice aimed at uniting the mind, body and spirit. The most common yoga practices combine asanas (physical postures), pranayama (controlled breathing practices) and dhyana (deep relaxation, meditation, or chanting). Asanas or poses Asanas, or yoga poses, are gentlemovements,carried out slowly, which are designed to build flexibility and strength, and include a...

Technology and the pressures of modern life

...with sleep disorders, stress, and depressive symptoms in both men and women Frequently using a computer without breaks further increased the risk of stress, sleeping problems, and depressive symptoms in women A combination of both heavy computer/laptop use and heavy mobile use made the associations with sleep issues even stronger Finally, social media in particular has been closely linked with depression. It can make us compare our lives with other people’s, and lead to lower feelings of self-worth, or higher...

Problem foods and beverages

...allergic reaction to a food or beverage tends to be obvious immediately, an intolerance or sensitivity can be much harder to identify, with symptoms which can be non-existent, or ranging from mild to severe. Common allergens Seven foods cause about 90% of all food intolerance reactions: Milk and milk products which contain the milk proteins casein and whey and the milk sugar lactose which are common allergens Fermented milk products such as kefir and yoghurt can be more easily digestible...

Correct your proteins and amino acids

...pecans) Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, flax, sesame, chia, hemp,etc.) Vegetables such a spinach and broccoli You can also get complete protein from soy however it should be consumed with caution: The best forms of soy to consume are tempeh and natto However when weeat soy, our estrogen is fooled by the presence of phytoestrogen in the soy, and the receptor site for estrogen becomes full of phytoestrogen In young girls, this can produce premature puberty which is very difficult to deal...

Neurotransmitter imbalances

...transmit information from our nerve cells to our muscles, organs, or other nerve cells. They play a key role in relaying information around our bodies, regulating our behaviour, and modulating our moods The levels ofneurotransmitters in our bodies are constantly going up and down. This is natural. But if the levels of certain key neurotransmitters become too low or too high, the resulting imbalance can affect a range of bodily processes, including: Our moods Our sleep Our appetite Our memory...

Work with a therapist

...information, advice and criticism of our selves and compensate any maladaptive attitudes and behaviours that limit our potential Word associations test or ‘free associations test’ The patient is asked to say the first things that come to their mind after the therapist says something Response time is recorded and used to indicate activated unconscious complexes related to certain problem words Creative activities: methods of self-expression, such as painting, drama, dance, sand playing, dream journaling etc., Can help patients engage with...

Poor sleep

...too late, or we may work throughout the night. As we go through life, we also naturally wake up earlier and earlier. We lose around half an hour of sleep per night with every ten years of age. By our thirties, we have roughly 80% less uninterrupted deep sleep than we did in our teens, and by our fifties, we get almost none. But there are several other factors that may be affecting our sleep. The most common ones are...

Imbalances in proteins and amino acids

Proteins make up a lot of the body mass that isn’t water, and are essential for the functioning of body and mind. Protein, whether from animal or plant sources, is built from a combination of amino acids, and each protein-containing food has a distinct combination of amino-acids. Amino acids are organic compounds which are left after protein has been digested. The body uses amino acids to make new proteins to help the body grow, break down food, repair cells, etc....

Sex hormone imbalances

...menopause Exhaustion Insomnia Perimenopause and menopause are often accompaniedby low levels of cortisol by day (causing feelings of exhaustion) and high cortisol by night (causing insomnia) Cortisol tends to rise during perimenopause and menopause, which can lead to sleep issues and lower melatonin Brain fog and attention issues Rising levels of cortisol and lower levels of estrogen are accompanied by diminishing levels of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), the brain chemical which encourages the growth of new nerve cells and neuroplasticity...

Heal with herbs and spices

...mood”. Mild depression Superior to placebo for depression based on a review of 23 randomized control trialsof 1,757 patients “A number of well-controlled studies comparing the St. John’s wort extract to prescription antidepressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil) have found St. John’s wort to be comparable in effectiveness, but superior to prescription drugs with regard to tolerability” While St. John’s wort has been shown to be as effective as antidepressants in the treatment of mild depression,...

Sleep better

...bedtime No computers or screens after 8pm — avoid the computer, electronic games, texting and similar activities before bedtime Avoid stimulating discussions or arguments at bedtime Write your worries down, one hour before bed, and make plans for what you might do the next day to reduce your anxiety This will free up your mind and energy forrestful sleep Try 30-60 minutes of some/all of these relaxing activities thirty minutes before sleep Sleep yoga Meditation Self-hypnosis A warm, epsom salt...

Suicide prevention

...Healthy connections with others, healthy relationships, and a healthy community are essential for our mental health, and can often be the difference between life and death when it comes to suicide. Feeling that you are connected to others, that you matter to others, and that your life is important to those in your life, is often a key to survival in the face of suicidal ideation. Often, those who have suicidal ideation feel that they don’t matter to others, that...

Suicide prevention

...Nurture healthy relationships Healthy connections with others, healthy relationships, and a healthy community are essential for our mental health, and can often be the difference between life and death when it comes to suicide. Feeling that you are connected to others, that you matter to others, and that your life is important to those in your life, is often a key to survival in the face of suicidal ideation. Often, those who have suicidal ideation feel that they don’t matter...