Correct your nutrition and supplement to balance your hormones

...along the intestines It helps balance blood sugar by ensuring steady absorption of glucose It helps maintain a healthy bacteria balance Allows negative bacteria to be removed Sustains a healthy estrogen metabolism Helps maintain healthy testosterone levels by preventing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen Increases the excretion of testosterone and estrogen in the stool Recommended amounts of fibre Most women only consume around 13g per day Aim for 35-45 grams of fiber per dayobtained from fruits, vegetables, whole grains,...

Sex hormone imbalances

...women also have testosterone, men have it in greater quantities. It is produced in the testes for men, and in the ovaries for women, but also in smaller quantities in the adrenal glands in both sexes. Testosterone and mental health Both men and women produce testosterone – in the gonads (testes for men, ovaries for women) and also small amounts in the adrenals. While testosterone is considered a “male” hormone, women also make it, and need it, though in much...

Imbalances in vitamins

...reduces the skin’s ability to make vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure Some studies show that older adults with darker skin are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency Diagnosing D deficiency To diagnose deficiency, get a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test, also called a 25(OH) D test: This tests for the inactive form of vitamin D Testing for the activated form of vitamin D does not accurately reflect vitamin D deficiency, even if levels comes up as normal or elevated...

Imbalances in fats and essential fatty acids mental health. Below are different types of fats and their effects on mental health. Trans fats Trans fats are bad fats, with no health benefits whatsoever: They arefound in processed orfried foods and certain vegetable oils, such as hydrogenated vegetable oils Trans fats compete with, damage and block the conversion of healthy Essential Fatty Acids such as GLA, DHA, EPA and prostaglandins, preventing them from doing their vital brain-protecting work Trans fats are implicated in Alzheimer’s disease by contributing...

Imbalances in minerals

...reduce the amount of phytic acid , , Diagnosis of zinc deficiency The most reliable test is a blood test for plasma zinc, especially if combined with metallothionein studies (Acumen) It is also possible to do a urine or hair analysis, although these are more controversial and possibly less reliable Testing for blood levels of zinc can provide useful diagnostic information, especially when there is a history of alcohol abuse or poor nutrition Magnesium Magnesium is important for maintaining a...

Mitochondrial dysfunction

Mitochondria 101 Mitochondria and the brain How mitochondria can become dysfunctional How dysfunctional mitochondria affect mental health Reduced neural plasticity when ATP production is compromised by dysfunctional or reduced numbers of mitochondria, there is decreased synaptic plasticity mitochondria enable neurogenesis (increased brain plasticity and regrowth) by supporting the process of maturation from stem cell to neuron, and by accumulating at the site of axon growth to provide vital ATP NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) is required to allow for this mitochondrial...

Problem foods and beverages

...a food intolerance test, which is usually a pin-prick blood test, however the reliability and accuracy of these have been questioned. Another cheaper and possibly more reliable but more time consuming method is to follow an elimination diet, in which you eliminate potentially all allergenic foods from your diet for two to four weeks, and then systematically reintroduce them one by one, taking note of any symptoms in a food and mood journal during both elimination and reintroduction phase. If...

Thyroid hormone imbalances

...Chronic fatigue Immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) Fibromyalgia Insulin-dependent diabetes Diagnosing thyroid imbalance There are gradations when it comes to thyroid imbalance. Datis Kharrazian estimates that in the US 13 million cases of thyroid dysfunction go undiagnosed each year. K This is partly because of issues with lab testing Insufficient testing Standard testing for thyroid in the USA and the UK tends to be for TSH and T3, which is not a good representation of optimal thyroid function T3, T4 and...

Correct your proteins and amino acids

...variety of vegetable proteins from legumes, whole grains, nuts, sprouts, hemp, vegetables, dairy (unless you are intolerant or vegan) and organic soy products. Also consider supplementing with protein powder or free-form amino acid blends If you are a vegetarian, the most complete forms of protein is found in eggs. Organic and/or free-range eggs If you are vegan, you can get protein from Quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, mycoprotein (quorn) Rice and beans/lentils/chickpeas Spirulina Nuts (almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, hazel nuts,...


...The word “inflammation” comes from the Latin word “inflammare” which means “to kindle or set on fire”.The inflammatory response consists of redness, heat, and swelling, either internal or external, and is the normal response of living tissue to injury or infection. Inflammation is a complicated process involving more than just the activation of the immune response. It has a diverse effect on many organs of the body, including the brain. Inflammation and mental health The association between the immune system...


...Menopause Thyroid Solution. New York: HarperCollins. Simpson, K. (2011). Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue: How to Restore Hormonal Balance and Feel Renewed, Energized and Stress Free. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger. Talbott, S M. (2007). The Cortisol Connection: Why Stress Makes You Fat and Ruins Your Health – And What You Can Do about It.2nd ed. Alameda, CA: Hunter House. Vitti, A. (2013). Womancode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source. New York: HarperCollins. Nutrition...

Technology and the pressures of modern life

...the repeated release of dopamine can lead to those behaviours becoming addictive. Many of our new technologies are especially appropriate for triggering dopamine. Receiving a new e-mail, notification, or tweet can give us a little ‘hit’ of gratification or anticipation. They come in small ‘doses’, are informative and sometimes enjoyable, and can arrive unpredictably. Depression In our modern, 24/7 world, we’re often tempted (or even required) to look at our e-mails or social media after the sun has gone down....


...and we absorb them by breathing, eating, drinking, using personal care products and pharmaceuticals etc. Endogenous toxins are created in our bodies, usually by compromised digestion, inefficient metabolism, or poor detoxification Some common toxins, their sources, and their effects Exogenous toxins are found in many of the things we encounter every day, from cleaning products to tap-water. Endogenous toxins, meanwhile, are produced by the body itself. Below are some common sources of toxins. Alcohol Alcohol abuse can damage our brains...

Stress hormone imbalances

...time. Its symptoms are varied and wide ranging, often paralleling those of depression and other common mental health disorders, as well as other common medical complaints such as fatigue. Therefore, it is oftenoverlooked or misdiagnosed in conventional medicine, as well as in alternative medicine. Mental health symptoms of HPA axis dysregulation The key cause of HPA axis dysregulation is usually chronically high stress hormone levels. Therefore the mental health symptoms of high stress hormones and HPA axis dysregulation are similar....

Work with a therapist

...information, advice and criticism of our selves and compensate any maladaptive attitudes and behaviours that limit our potential Word associations test or ‘free associations test’ The patient is asked to say the first things that come to their mind after the therapist says something Response time is recorded and used to indicate activated unconscious complexes related to certain problem words Creative activities: methods of self-expression, such as painting, drama, dance, sand playing, dream journaling etc., Can help patients engage with...

Heal with herbs and spices

...mood”. Mild depression Superior to placebo for depression based on a review of 23 randomized control trialsof 1,757 patients “A number of well-controlled studies comparing the St. John’s wort extract to prescription antidepressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil) have found St. John’s wort to be comparable in effectiveness, but superior to prescription drugs with regard to tolerability” While St. John’s wort has been shown to be as effective as antidepressants in the treatment of mild depression,...

Improve mitochondrial function

...mitochondrial integrity. Damaged mitochondria and lead to damage gut and blood brain barriers, and damaged gut can compromise the mitochondria. many lactobacillus and bifidobacterium species support the gut-brain axis by curbing inflammation and cortisol levels, which can result in a reduction of symptoms of depression and anxiety. Read more about how to heal your gut. Detoxify Read more about how to detoxify for better mental health. Encourage appropriate mitophagy and biogenesis through hormesis Ways to promote mitohormesis: Love and bonding...

Correct your vitamins

...cognition, as well as depression and psychosis., , Food sources Milk Eggs Enriched breads and cereals Rice Fish Lean meats Legumes Peanuts Poultry Supplementing Taking a niacin supplement may cause a “niacin flush”, a sensation of warmth often accompanied with a blushing or tingling of the skin caused by a sudden dilation of the blood vessels. Although somewhat uncomfortable, it is completely harmless. Not all people experience a niacin flush People may experience it at different doses no-flush niacin supplements...

Hormone imbalances

...glands as follows: Thyroid: makes thyroid hormone Parathyroid: makes parathyroid hormone Ovaries: makes estrogen, progesterone, testosterone Testes: makes testosterone Adrenals: makes adrenaline, cortisol, DHEA, and a small amount of estrogen and testosterone Pancreas: makes insulin Hormones regulate pretty much every vital function in our body: mood, appetite, sleep, anxiety, libido, metabolism, growth, ageing, memory, attention, energy, stamina, etc. Somehormones fluctuate constantly, from minute to minute, while others follow more of a daily or monthly cycle: Pancreatic hormones such as insulin...

Imbalances in proteins and amino acids

Proteins make up a lot of the body mass that isn’t water, and are essential for the functioning of body and mind. Protein, whether from animal or plant sources, is built from a combination of amino acids, and each protein-containing food has a distinct combination of amino-acids. Amino acids are organic compounds which are left after protein has been digested. The body uses amino acids to make new proteins to help the body grow, break down food, repair cells, etc....