Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle form of physical therapy during which a therapist uses a light touch and subtle movements to connect with, and influence the cerebrospinal fluid to bring our central nervous system back into balance.

Craniosacral therapy focuses on the craniosacral system, which consists of the brain, spinal cord, and the cerebrospinal fluid that circulates through them, encased in membranes.

Disruptions in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid – typically caused by physical or emotional trauma and stress – can cause imbalances in the body and mind. Craniosacral therapy is designed to treat these imbalances by using light touch to restore the healthy flow of craniosacral fluid throughout the body, and thus the body’s natural ability to balance and heal itself.

Craniosacral therapists touch different parts of the body, primarily head (cranium), spine and trunk, pelvic region (sacrum), and feet, to find areas in which the flow of cerebrospinal fluid is restricted. Gentle manipulation techniques are then used to release blockages and tension and restore balance to the central nervous system.

Many people experience a sense of calm, a boost in mood and feel very grounded following a CST session.

CST may help with:

  • Fatigue
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Attention issues
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Chronic pain
  • Sleep issues

Haller, H., Lauche, R., Cramer, H., Rampp, T., Saha, F. J., Ostermann, T. and Dobos, G. (2016). Craniosacral Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Sham-controlled Trial. [online] Clinical Journal of Pain, 32 (5), pp. 441-9. Available at: [accessed 12 Sept. 2017].