As we have seen in the yoga solution, yoga can be very helpful for depression.

Yoga poses for depression

Yoga practices which are particularly beneficial for individuals with depression include:

Rhythmic Breathing

  • Yoga practices that emphasize rhythmic breathing such as Sudarshan Kriya Yoga can benefit those with depression
  • This technique involves rhythmic hyperventilation at different rates of breathing to balance the autonomic nervous system and calm the stress response Brown, R. P. and Gerbarg, P. L. (2005). Sudarshan Kriya yogic breathing in the treatment of stress, anxiety, and depression: part I-neurophysiologic model. [online] Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11 (1), pp. 189-201. Available at: [accessed 14 Sept. 2017].
  •  This has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression similar to antidepressant medications without significant side effects Janakiramaiah, N., Gangadhar, B. N., Naga Venkatesha Murthy, P. J., Harish, M. G., Subbakrishna, D. K. and Vedamurthachar, A. (2000). Antidepressant efficacy of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) in melancholia: a randomized comparison with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and imipramine. [online] Journal of Affective Disorders, 57 (1-3), pp. 255-9. Available at: [accessed 14 Sept. 2017]..
  • Strong breathing practices such as Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath) and Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) tend to activate the sympathetic nervous system and therefore may work best for depressed individuals with a lack of motivation versus those with agitation McCall, T. (2007, 28 Aug.) Yoga for Depression, Part I. [online] Yoga Journal. Available at: [accessed 14 Sept. 2017]..

Pranayama Emphasizing Inhalation

Sun Salutations

Downward Dog

  • Downward dog poses can help calm the mind, increase blood flow to the brain, and improve mood



Iyengar for depression

Below are different asanas, or poses shown by B.K.S Iyengar (2008 edition), Yoga The Path To Holistic Health, to be helpful for depression.

Hold each one for 5 deep breaths.

1 Uttanasana/Standing forward bend

1 Uttanasana/Standing forward bend

2 Ardha Chandrasana

2 Ardha Chandrasana

3 Prasarita Padottonasana

3 Prasarita Padottonasana

4 Adho Mukha Svanasana

4 Adho Mukha Svanasana

5 Salamba Sirsasana

5 Salamba Sirsasana

6 Salamba Sarvangasana

6 Salamba Sarvangasana

7 Viparita Dandasana

7 Viparita Dandasana

8 Ustrasana

8 Ustrasana

9 Virasana

9 Virasana

10 Baddha Konasana

10 Baddha Konasana

11 Supta Baddha Konasana

11 Supta Baddha Konasana

12 Adhomukha Virasana

12 Adhomukha Virasana

13 Supta Virasana

13 Supta Virasana

14 Dandasana

14 Dandasana

15 paschimottanasana

15 paschimottanasana

16 Janu Sirsasana

16 Janu Sirsasana

17 Setubandha sarvangasana

17 Setubandha sarvangasana

18 Viparita karani

18 Viparita karani

19 Savasana

19 Savasana